武井涼子 Ryoko Takei(ソプラノ Soprano)


東京大学卒業、コロンビア大学経営大学院修了。昭和音楽大学博士課程後期修了(芸術学博士)留学中ジュリアード音楽院大学院にてSinging in Frenchクラスを受講。コロンビア大学声楽実技クラス単位取得。





Montefeltro Festivalをはじめ海外の音楽祭にも定期的に参加。シェリル・ミルンズにはOpera as Dramaでの《オテロ》デズデーモナ役の歌唱を絶賛された。



Forbes Online Official Columnist。News Picksのフォロワー数は3万2千人を超える。



Ryoko Takei, an ex-McKinsey consultant, marketing management and business development professional who graduate University of Tokyo, and holding Columbia MBA, and PhD in arts, is also a wining award soprano opera singer who belongs to Tokyo Nikikai Opera Foundation, the most prestigious and biggest opera singers association in Japan, as member of the singer's representative committee. Her recent appearances as a singer includes Queen of hart of "Alice in Wonderland", Rosalinde of "Die Feredelmaus", etc. In concert she appeared “Crystal Concert” and "Salon Concert Series" of Nikikai, "Wagner Grand Gala Concert at Kioi Hall etc.




She often appears in Japanese media such as TV, Newspaper, and magazine, including Wall Street Journal. Ryoko is an official columnist of Forbes Japan, have more than 30,000 followers in News Picks.